Monday, November 5, 2012

Job Well Done (mostly)

My kids are definitely doers - they're always doing things. Most times, those things aren't directed toward any particular purpose, but at times, the tasks they choose actually contribute to the overall functioning of our home. I've been reading a book (an amazing feat in and of itself!) entitled Cleaning House: A Mom's Twelve Month Experiment to Rid Her Home of Youth Entitlement and it's really got me thinking about how to make sure I'm raising my children so that they are able, at some point in the future, to take care of themselves.  I've realized that I'm guilty of stepping and taking over their tasks for them if I think it's not going quite like it should or if it's just taking longer than I have patience for. The problem is, this isn't helpful to them, in the long run. However, the other thing I've realized while reading this book, is that my kids really do know how to pull at least part of their weight when it comes to household chores. For example, my son, Hayden, is my go-to guy. I can ask him to do pretty much anything around the house and he's up for it, whether it's making a sandwich for a sibling, sweeping the floor, or fixing my internet connection. He's always been very proud of his accomplishments in this arena...

At age 5, Hayden decided it was time to learn how to do laundry, so he gathered up the dirty clothes...

and made his way carefully downstairs.

He sorted...

and lifted...

and stuffed the washing machine.

Putting soap in required a bit of a climb.

Oops! Forgot something in the bottom of the hamper!

He followed my instructions for turning the washing machine on.

The best part...he really knew that he had accomplished something phenomenal!

This little laundry experiment set the bar pretty darn high for Hayden and for his younger siblings. They can all clean floors, empty the dishwasher, wash, fold and put laundry away, clean bathrooms (and clean them well), and do most any household task I set them to...including windows! My kids may not grow up to be brain surgeons or rocket scientists, but they will most definitely be able to stay clean and take care of their homes!


  1. and i think those are more important things to know than to do brain surgery! i'm just proud that everton throws his dirty diaper away!

  2. I love the pictures of Hayden! What a sweet boy. I was so excited when Stevie asked to help me the dishes a few weeks ago. It feels good that he is willing to help and makes me realize that I won't always be picking up after everyone :)
